Welcome to The Positive Footprint!

The Positive Footprint focuses on sustainable living for the body, mind, and planet. I believe the in order to live a sustainable life, you have to focus on your own body and mind as well as the planet. They are all interconnected and it is important to improve each one individually in order to truly live a sustainable lifestyle.


Our body plays a big role in how we feel everyday. If we are tired or sick, our body lets us know. Most importantly, though, it houses our soul. Treating our bodies right can improve our lives tremendously. We can accomplish this through exercise and healthy eating, as well as many other ways. I will focus more on making the right choices in these areas MOST of the time. I think its all about balance if a lifestyle change will be truly sustainable.


Our mind is one of the most important aspects of our livelihood, but often gets over looked. Our thoughts determine what kind of day we have, what decisions we make, and how we treat others. If we don’t have a healthy mind, our over all happiness in life suffers. While this may be one of the more difficult topics to discuss, I think it may be the most important


Without the Earth we live on, we would all die. Simple as that. We rely on this planet for every single basic requirement we need to survive – air, water, and food – yet we are not doing every single thing in our power to protect and preserve them. We will explore ways to help the planet throughout our every day life and reduce the impact we have. This area will be the main focus on this blog, mostly because it is what I am most passionate about.

I am just beginning my journey down this road and am excited you have chosen to join me!